
Class times


8:55 - Morning Session

11:00 - First break - play

11:30 - First break - eating

11:45 - Middle Session

1:15 - Second break - play

1:30 - Second break - eating

1:45 - Afternoon Session

3:00 - End of School


For information on class times please contact us.

Before School

Students may arrive from 8:30am. 

At this time, they can place their bags outside their classrooms and choose to participate in quiet games under the undercover area, quiet reading in the library, or join the walking club on the oval. 

Students displaying poor behaviour will be asked to arrive at 8:55am.  

NO students should be on site before 8:15am.

After School

Supervision is provided at the school until 3:15pm, and families should make arrangements to ensure all children have left the premises by that time. We understand the needs of our families, and to provide additional support, we offer enrolment in our Outside School Hours Care program (starting Term 3 2023).

Last reviewed 13 June 2023
Last updated 13 June 2023